Another successful Trunk Or Treat Event is in the books at Dave Sinclair Ford. Our local community outreach event had hundreds of families show up to have fun and trunk or treat at our St. Louis Ford store. We had goodies and candy loaded up in the back of our new Ford vehicles across the parking lot. Everyone had a good time at the event and the Halloween theme was in full effect. There was also a lot of interest in the new lineup of Ford SUV’s heading into 2020. Ford is starting to enhance the technology on their products and it is really starting to have an effect on the value proposition of some of our mid-size SUV’s.

We also make sure our event proceeds go to one of our local community partners. This year we supported the BackStoppers who we have been sponsoring for years. It is a great cause. The organization supports families of fallen heroes by paying off all debt, providing health and dental insurance, reimbursing for out-of-pocket medical expenses, covering tuition and educational costs from day care through university, and assisting with miscellaneous extraordinary expenses.